Thanks to newsletter subscriber Jason Akin for sending in photos of his completed 'Chickathedral'. Based on the traditional Poultry Ark design (but with a few of his own twists) it is the new permanent home for his eight resident chickens (ranging from 2 to 8 weeks old), and a part-time residence for his cheeky little yorkie Molly!
The coop plans this Chicken Coop Design was based on.
The coop plans this Chicken Coop Design was based on.
Gina- You can pass on to Jason we loved his coop idea!!! Great design. I wonder, would 5 full grown mille fleur d'uccle's be happy in that. We are still researching designs.
Thank you so much for the pictures. So far my dog training skills are up to this, all three of my shelties herd sheep, only one is obsessing over the chicks, now 7 weeks.
Its raining very hard in Oregon, and I have the girls out in a dog pen, with tarp, straw , heat lamp and covers. I am thinking long and hard about the best type of coop to build, this one was close to my thoughts.
I am hoping to go to the portland coop tour in July before I build.
Right now the girls go in their outside pen when the sun shines, a combo of dog crate and fencing, when it rains, or they need a nap they jump in the dog crate.
The shelties are adjusting to the fact chickens do not herd.
cheers justine
dog lady of forest grove
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